

加布里埃尔·库卡拉站在莫比尔市中心.  data-lightbox =“特色”
Gabriel Kucala considered law school before changing his major to 金融 in the Mitchell 商学院. An internship 在空客 in Mobile turned into a full-time job 毕业后.

As a junior at the 十大彩票网投平台, Gabriel Kucala remembers working on his resume and preparing for his interview as a summer intern in the 金融 department 在空客.

“I focused on the company and learning everything a 金融 intern might be expected 去做,”他说. “It was one of the first interviews I had where I came out thinking 一切进展顺利.”

Kucala landed the internship and started working 在空客. 他对……没有经验 Tableau Software, but began preparing dashboard displays of business information. 这成了他的利基.

“You’re taking data, cleaning it up and visualizing it to tell a story他说。. “I ended up building the dashboard display they’re still using today.”

Kucala’s internship was extended, twice, and he told his supervisor he was interested 在空中客车的职业生涯.

“我对她很坦诚,”他说. “她非常支持我. 她说要保留 做我正在做的事. They couldn’t promise me anything, and I had the same opportunity 和其他人一样,所以我就继续工作.”

After graduating in May, Kucala began his full-time job a few weeks later.

“不休息,”他笑着说. “我喜欢工作。. 我总是被教导要努力工作 is the best way to get things done, without worrying what anyone else is doing.”

Kucala grew up in Tallahassee, Florida, and loved life along the Gulf Coast. 他仍然 喜欢钓鱼和去海滩. After graduating from high school, he decided 向西迁移,前往南方.

He started out with a major in political science and plans to attend law school. 他的 母亲是律师助理. He began working 30 hours a week for a Mobile law firm.

Soon he changed his mind, though, and transferred to the 米切尔商学院.

“The cool thing about MCOB is that the first two years you’re taking all the business 上课,”他说. “你会接触到一切. 我喜欢 金融 最.”

Like so many business students, he enjoyed working for the Jaguar Investment Fund, which controls a $2 million portfolio of investments. 商业分析课程有所帮助 为他在空中客车公司实习做准备. 一开始,准备工作令人生畏 reports that were seen by all levels of management at a big corporation.

Having little margin for error kept him on his toes.

“Toward the end of my internship, I was taking on a little more responsibility,” he 说. “I was getting prepared for managing headcount reports and operating budget, 这就是我现在正在做的.”

Kucala works in the Airbus 金融 office on the 26th floor of the RSA Building in 市中心移动. Wall-to-wall windows offer plenty to see when he looks up from his 键盘.

“我们在那里有很棒的视野,”他说. “所有移动设备. 整个海湾. 这是很棒的.”

There are plenty of restaurants downtown, but he tries to pack a lunch and save money. 

他的 position is a hybrid job, so on Mondays and Fridays he works from home in Fairhope, 阿拉巴马州. He gets a break from rush-hour traffic, though his work routine doesn’t change.

“我早上7点开始我的一天.m.他说。. “I try to stick to the same schedule, just to 保持正常的流量.”

Kucala has just begun his 金融 career, but he’s happy with where he’s at and where 他是领导.

“My goal going to college was to come out with a job他说。. “我想工作 for a big company where I could gain experience. 我就是这么做的.”
